„One Life to Live!“

6 min readMay 19, 2024
Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

⚜️The Tendency Towards Criticism in Society: An Analysis~

In today’s society, the tendency towards criticism seems to be ubiquitous. Praise and recognition are often scarce, while criticism, envy, and resentment are widespread. These phenomena raise important questions: Why is this the case? Is this criticism truly necessary? And what are its effects on individual well-being and social cohesion?

⚜️The Psychology of Criticism

To answer these questions, it is important to understand the psychological mechanisms behind the tendency towards criticism. In psychology, there are various concepts that can help explain these phenomena. One important aspect is the comparison with other people. Humans tend to compare themselves to others, whether consciously or unconsciously. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, envy, or inferiority when we feel that others are outperforming us. As a result, this insecurity can manifest as criticism of others to protect or bolster our own ego.

Another psychological mechanism is the fear of the unknown or the other. People who feel insecure in their own way of life or who are confronted with change may tend to criticize or reject others who behave differently or have different values. This can lead to prejudice and discrimination, complicating social…




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